Concrete & Mortar Admixtures
Admixtures is a major category of construction division products. Water reducing admixtures , mid range water reducers, water reducing set retarding admixtures and water reducing accelerators minimize the requirement of water needed to mix with concrete. These products also aid in screening and reduce shrinkage.Air entertaining agents improve the workability of concrete mix, and is used to increase durability of roadways, motorways, bridges, dams, runways. Accelerators for increasing the early strength of concrete, high range water reducers, retarders and accelerators, masonry admixtures for low slump concrete, stabilizers for stabilizing the concrete mixtures, specialized admixtures, mortar admixtures and fibres to reduce plastic shrinkage in concrete mixtures are also available.

- Draco Plasticizers for precast units
This is a range of additives specifically formulated to meet the needs of contemporary prefabrication industry. Good additives for prefabrication should not only ensure concrete mechanical strength, but they should also improve time management, curing, productivity and all the quality standards involved in the production process.
- Draco Flow-enhancing admixtures for ready-mixed concrete
DRACRIL additives are formulated for concrete to keep its rheologic and fitting properties unchanged under different weather conditions. Their new generation polymers can completely manage the adsorption cycle of molecules and achieve very good results in terms of workability time.
- Draco Multi-functional, flow-enhancing admixture
FLUIBETON is a range of additives including products with superior fluidifying properties that are particularly suitable for usage under every weather condition and for long workability with low a water – cement ratio.
- Draco Admixtures for high-performance concrete
Additives, expansive agents and admixtures are specifically formulated for producing special types of concrete with long durability. DRACO’s additives and special admixtures can be used to produce anti-shrinkage, self-compacting, pozzolana types of concrete that are suitable for installations exposed to environmentally very aggressive agents.
- Draco Admixtures for varying weather conditions
Those products are specific for top performance of concrete mixes, even under bad weather conditions. This range of additives includes accelerators for cement, which are particularly suitable concrete laid at low temperatures, and additives, which adjust setting time in hot climates.
- Draco Admixtures for concrete flooring
Those concrete additives are specific for industrial floors. They are formulated to achieve best results in terms of workability, setting and finishing time. We also paid great attention to improving rheologic features and surface properties of concrete mixes and floors.
- Draco Additives for waterproofing and underwater concrete casting
Those water-repellent additives and admixtures are suitable for large-scale concrete and mortar waterproofing. Those additives are ideal for hydraulic structures, underwater concrete casting and buildings exposed to humidity or water pressure.
- Draco Air-entraining foaming agent for lightweight cellular concrete
This range of additives is specifically formulated for producing heat-insulating, aerated, lightweight, cellular concrete (CCCL). Our foaming agents, aerating additives and micro- air-entraining agents for concrete are formulated for top performance and ease of use. Quality without compromise
- Drco Fibres for concrete reinforcement
Structural semi-structural polymer fibres for concrete reinforcement. Structural steel fibres, structural synthetic fibres, auxiliary reinforcement fibres against shrinkage. Our fibres improve the structure of mixes and achieve better mechanical strength and ductility. Additionally they reduce cracking. Those fibres are specifically manufactured for concrete floors and screed. They are the result of a research focused on the problems affecting those buildings.
- Draco Form-relese and curing agents for concrete
This is an all-round range of products including release agents, curing and protective additives that protect outer concrete layers. Our release agents help remove forms, reduce the need to clean moulds and make fair-faced surface finishing look better. Our protective curing agents are suitable for curing time of concrete surfaces to be properly scheduled, and in particular in hot and windy climates.
- Draco Ecological and economical solutions
This is a brand new product that can be used for recovering and recycling residual concrete and wash water. It can make waste disposal easier, dramatically cut down on costs and protect the environment. ECOMIX is a liquid product that you can easily pour into your concrete mixer to temporarily inhibit cement hydration. In this way you can prevent build-up on your drum’s interior and make your concrete ready for recycling and reuse.