
Kerakoll is one of the world’s biggest chemical companies for the building industry, with major international divisions producing professional laying systems, specialized in chemical products and solutions for the restoration of historical buildings. With plants and offices in more than 150 locations in 25 different countries around the world, our task is to apply our advanced scientific knowledge to generating the essential conditions that will make our world a safer, nicer and more pleasant place to live. Our company can be considered international in the true sense of the word; we manufacture more than 500 “speciality” products for buyers all over the world.

DRACO ITALIANA S.P.A. has obtained certification for its Quality System, according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 standards.

DRACO ITALIANA S.P.A. has been manifacturing, since 1982, special materials and chemical products for the building industry; it offers today a wide and selected range of products based on its long lasting experience in formulation, production and on site application.

Main targets of the company are:

  • Research and development of products to be used for new constructions in order to improve their quality and make them longer lasting;
  • Research and development of products to be used on existing/old constructions in order to make restoration works more effective;
  • Research and development of materials that comply the most advanced work safety and environmental standards.

Marmoline products are of highly know how and long-lasting research. They are produced in most complete industrial premises with regard to European and German Regulations and bear the signature of Dionysos Marbles.. Η γκάμα των προϊόντων διευρύνεται συνεχώς και περιλαμβάνει κόλες πλακιδίων, αρμόστοκους, υλικά τοποθέτησης μαρμάρων και γρανιτών, υλικά προετοιμασίας δαπέδων, αδιάβροχους σοβάδες, σοβάδες μίας στρώσης, παραδοσιακούς και επισκευαστικούς σοβάδες, λάσπη χτισίματος, στόκους σπατουλαρίσματος καθώς και μηχανήματα εφαρμογής που καλύπτουν κάθε ανάγκη. Τα έτοιμα κονιάματα Marmoline αναμιγνύονται απλά με νερό και είναι έτοιμα για χρήση. Όλα τα υλικά παράγονται σύμφωνα με το σύστημα διασφάλισης ποιότητας EN

The Company is British based and its range of products include dammproofing, Timber preservation , condensation control etc. Its products have The BBA Certificates which provide independent analysis of the performance of building products. The certificate instructs the specifier of the durability, installation and compliance with Building Regulations throughout the British Isles.

A Sovereign factory production inspection, on site inspections and laboratory tests are undertaken to ensure a thorough assessment.

The Sovereign certificates are available to view or download on the company´w webpage

At the beginning of the third millennium, the IVAS Group offers more than fifty year’s patrimony of knowledge and experience. In 1953 the IVAS company was founded under the name of the Impresa Verniciatori e Affini Sammaurese (a company of painters and decorators) that evolved and grew until it transformed into a manufacturer of paints. In 1971 it took on the actual and legal form that it has today: IVAS S.p.A. Industria Vernici. Over the following years, the company acquired a major position in the building industry for paint products, adopting the “high quality” concept. To take on new challenges and to widen the commercial horizon, IVAS created a number of specialised companies capable of operating in synergy and therefore the IVAS Group was born. Gruppo Ivas covers almost every aspect of the building industry. At Cymat We are proud to present to the Cyprus market their revolutionary Termo K8 External Insulation System proud to present to the Cyprus market their revolutionary Termo K8 External Insulation System